Module Session

module Session: sig .. end

OCaml implementation of binary sessions.

exception InvalidEndpoint

Exception raised whenever an invalid endpoint is used.

type _0 

Empty type.

type (+'a, -'b) st 

The type of endpoints for receiving messages of type 'a and sending messages of type 'b.

type et = (Session._0, Session._0) st 

The type of endpoints that can only be closed.

type 'a it = ('a, Session._0) st 

The type of endpoints for receiving messages of type 'a.

type 'a ot = (Session._0, 'a) st 

The type of endpoints for sending messages of type 'a.

type (+'a, +'b) seq 

The type of a sequentially composed protocol, where 'a is the protocol to be performed first, followed by 'b.

type ('a, 'b) choice = [ `False of 'b | `True of 'a ] 

The type of a binary choice, where 'a is the protocol to be performed if `True is selected and 'b is the protocol to be performed if `False is selected.

module Bare: sig .. end
module Monadic: sig .. end